Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Aalaya.lk website!

Before purchasing a membership, please read these terms and conditions carefully and open an account.

1.About Us

Aalaya.lk website is a subsidiary company of AVENO Systems (Pvt) Ltd. Aalaya.lk  is a website that provides marriage proposal services. Us from Aalaya.lk are dedicated to finding a suitable partner for you or for your children who wish to get married mainly based on the profession.

AVENO System (Pvt) Ltd from now on mentioned as “company” has the ownership of theAalaya.lk website, controls the activation of this website. Partners, shareholders, directors, executives, officers, employees, agents, lawyers, accountants and any person responsible for any work related to the Company are permitted and authorized to represent the legal affairs of this institution.

This is a Company Properly incorporated in Sri Lanka : Company Registered Number: PV00252540,

The registry office is located on the second floor of the following  location,

Aveno System (Pvt) Ltd.
NO 12 ½,Stanley Tilakaratne Mawatha,
Sri Lanka


2. Services

a) This website is intended to serve only as a primary medium for contact and information for users who have a sincere intention to enter into a marriage partnership("purpose").

b) This platform will never be used as a wedding or other business bureau or dating / relationship or other advertising display site.

c) By the positive actions of a user accessing the platform, the user agrees to abide by the following ("Terms") terms and conditions. Updated from time to time, aalaya.lk provides you with services and products through the platform, on condition that you will follow the terms and conditions. If you do not accept the terms and conditions or you do not comply with or comply with their terms, you should not use or access the platform and receive aalaya.lk services or products through the platform.

d) A visitor to the platform, whether registered or not, can view only the ads posted on the platform, entering through the normal browser of platform, even before he / she purchases access to the platform and / or services; From now on, they will be referred to as "users / users" whether or not anypayment has been made.

3.Eligibility Criteria

You will only be able to access and use Aalaya.lk if you are over 18 years old.

This site is open to anyone who is looking to get married.

You have the opportunity to create a profile for yourself and any third party who visits and uses this website.

This allows you to open an account after agreeing to all the points and privacy policies set out on the web site.

 4. Agreement

Users allow us to use information about your activities and information on activities on the platform regarding the advertisements, offers and other sponsored content that we display on the platform, free of charge. The Company uses user data and information to make suggestions and recommendations relevant to its users.

a) The company has the authority and power to display, the entire or part of the listing notified by the user on platform, in any other medium, as it desires at any time as an advertisement, including Facebook, YouTube and Google or other print media, websites, television, not limited to those locations but also wedding sections on other platforms.

b) Users agree not to duplicate, download, publish, modify or distribute material on the platform unless otherwise strictly permitted by the company. Users agree not to establish an in-depth link or other link or information to any specific page on this website without the prior written permission of the company.

c) Users agree to use the platform for their personal purposes. Use of the content on the platform for the purpose of creating commercially derived works without the prior written permission of the company is strictly prohibited.

d) Any advice, counsel, recommendation or information provided on the platform, including user information, may not necessarily be accurate, factual or credible, and any trust placed on it and any action based on it, shall be kept entirely on any information displayed / kept on the platform, the company shall not be liable in any way for any breach of trust.

e) We do not verify, screen, approve or investigate any information or statement, including wedding listings, or other content contained on the platform, nor do we in any way certify or verify that it is accurate or true. It does not endorse adjustments and profiles in any way, but implicitly assumes that the information provided will set / frame a profile appropriate for the purpose of the marriage alliance based on the user's preferences. Those who wish to use any information contained in the criteria platform set up by users must execute due diligence, effort and initiative.

 Users of the platform are prohibited from uploading, posting, transmitting, updating or sharing the following information:

a) Extremely harmful, harassing, abusive, obscene, child pornography, abusive, hateful, or racist, racially abusive, insulting, linking or encouraging, money laundering or any other illegal activity, the use of data or photographs of any kind that may harm minors in any way is strictly prohibited.

b) Communicating any information that is deceptive or misleading or of a highly malicious or threatening nature; Pretending to be another person;

c) If the software contains viruses or other computer code, files, or programs designed to interfere with, destroy, or restrict the platform's activity. Sri Lanka's unity, integrity, security, security or sovereignty, friendly relations with foreign countries, or threaten public peace, incite or prevent any wrong doing or insult to another nation.

d) The company is an online service provider who wants users to create their own /unique profile and expects certain personal (optional) information (s) to be displayed on the user data platform, which users use for that purpose. The company does not share user data with other users or third parties with the prior consent of the user.

e)Unauthorized copying / printing / publishing / counterfeiting / superimposing /manipulation / printing or misrepresentation of such user data or any other user misuse of such user data on the platform is not the company's responsibility. Users are liable on behalf of the company for any kind of loss/ damage incurred by the company as a result of any misuse of the platform /service provided by the company.

5. Registration

To enable users to create their profile on the platform, Aalaya.lk Website collects unlimited information / data (“User Data”) on Email Identity Card, Address, First Name, Last Name, Phone / Mobile Number, Date, Age, Gender, Ethnic / Cultural Background, Appearance, Religion, Occupation, Life. In addition, the collected user data is incorporated into a program designed specifically for customized profiles and to provide users with customizations based on their pre-selected partner preference criteria.

User data is displayed only after obtaining the user's prior approval. The company does not collect financial information of users such as credit card / debit card numbers / bank account numbers. If you do not provide the user data required by the company, the company will not be able to grant you access to the platform and / or create a user profile. This allows users to use his / her user data to display to other users on the platform.

6. Account Security and Confidentiality

a) For your user profile, do not share your confidential data with other parties to protect the privacy of your login credentials such as email, password, OTP and to prevent unauthorized access to your account. As a company we do not ask for a password and you are advised not to share your password with anyone. This will make you agree to take responsibility for all activities that take place under your account.

b) If you notice any content or behavior of an experienced person violating this agreement, please report it to us in a timely manner by clicking the 'Report' button. If Aalaya.lk deems your complaint justified, such malicious content will be removed as soon as possible.

c) You agree to take reasonable precautions when interacting with other members, especially if you decide to leave the service or meet in person. In addition, you agree to review and follow our guidelines before you begin using the Service. If you disclose and / or disclose confidential or sensitive  information to other members, such as personal information (name, surname, mailing address, email, phone number) or financial information (e.g., credit card or bank account information), you have to bear all the losses on risk.

d) You accept responsibility for your interactions with other members. You must acknowledge that Aalaya.lk does not conduct criminal background checks on its members or otherwise inquire into the background of its members. Aalaya.lk does not provide any representation or responsibility for the conduct of its members. Aalaya.lk therefore disclaims all responsibility for any incidents of any kind during online interaction, or elsewhere.

 7.Services and Purchases

In order to have full access to all the functions of the Service, each member will be able to purchase an account with a limited, personal, non-transferable, any-time license.

As soon as you purchase the plan and create your account, you can find other people using this service and choose a suitable partner.Generally, you can use this service in addition to text messaging and sharing phone numbers.Check out the pricing page for more details.

There are no refunds available for any of the services offered through this Aalaya.lk service, regardless of which plan you choose.

The package costs 3000.00 rupees for 90 days.

8. Role and Responsibility for Members

1.The Member has to provide any information / data required by Aalaya.lk at anytime regarding the use of this service.

 In order to use the service, you agree to comply with the agreement and applicable laws and regulations and to respect the rights of other members. In particular, you agree:

a) Use the service with respect to its purpose, which allows people to chat for personal, entertainment and non-commercial purposes. You must not use this service to sell any product or service or to distribute any promotional materials or for any other commercial or business purpose.

b) Respect the intellectual property rights of the content distributed on the service as well as the content provided by other members. By doing so, you will agree not to copy, modify, transmit, create, use, or reproduce copyrighted material, images, trademarks, brands, service marks, or any other intellectual property, content or proprietary information in any way.

c)Make sure that you define the limits of your personal life and that you do not communicate and share confidential, sensitive or financial or other highly personal information through this service.

Also, you agree that you do not:

a) Violate our guidelines, which are updated from time to time;

b) Insult or publish any statement or content that is insulting, abusive, obscene, offensive, violent, political, racist, racist, sexually explicit or obscene other members. You will not post any statements or content that incite violence, contain nudity or harm human dignity. Generally, you will not post any statements or content that are contrary to the purpose of the service or applicable laws and regulations;

c) Reproduce any robot, Bot, Spider, Crawler, Scraper, Site search / Retrieval application, proxy or other manual or automated device to access, obtain, index, 'data form', or any other mode of navigation use to bypass or bypass the structure or presentation of the service or its contents;

d) Harming other users on the service by computer viruses or other malware;

e) Pretending to be any other person or using another member's account, you can only post content that is relevant to your true identity;

f) Publish, display, or distribute in any form any information or content that contains hyperlinks to the third-party websites of service, which are illegal, immoral, and / or not in accordance with the Purpose of the Service;

g) Dissemination of personal information of another person without his or her per mission;

h) Any breach of these code of conduct is a serious breach of your contractual obligations under the “Terms and Conditions”. Aalaya.lk owns the right to investigate and / or terminate your account for any purchases, including  non-refundable purchases, including active or inactive actions or communications, if you have breached this agreement, misused the service or treats Aalaya.lk in an inappropriate or illegal manner.

 9. Notifications and Service Messages

By creating a profile, you agree with Aalaya.lk to provide important notifications about your account or the services associated with this service. These notifications can be shared directly on the service, through its pages with a banner announcement or through other means associated with your account, such as email or phone.

The contact information you provide must be accurate or you may not receive these ads. Please keep an eye on your settings to control what messages you receive from Aalaya.lk.

This allows other announcements to be made through the site, including updates on the site and work related to repairs.

You acknowledge and agree that we have no obligation to relate or arise from your failure to maintain the correct contacts or other information, including your failure to receive critical information and notifications.

10. Disclaimer

Aalaya.lk grants are not subject to express, statutory or any other form of liability, subject to the maximum amount permitted by applicable law.

This includes unlimited liability for satisfactory quality, marketability, suitability for a particular purpose or non-infringement. Aalaya.lk and its licensees do not represent or guarantee that the service will be uninterrupted, secure or error-free, and that any errors (permissions) on the part of the website or the services agency will be corrected through the service as soon as possible.

Maintenance, updates, or technical improvements or updates on content and / or presentation may temporarily interrupt the operation of the service. If possible, Aalaya.lk will notify its members in advance of any maintenance operations or updates that may materially affect the service.

11.Intellectual Property Rights

This Agreement does not imply or otherwise imply any rights to the content distributed to the services by the members. All trademarks, logos, graphics, software, photos, animations, videos, text displayed on the service are the exclusive intellectual property of Aalaya.lk and its licensees and may not be reproduced, used, published, distributed, sold or displayed. Subject to legal action, without the prior written permission of Aalaya.lk or its licensees.

The rights of use granted to the member are limited to personal and private use for a portion of the membership and duration of the Service. Other activities by the members are prohibited. The member is prohibited from modifying, copying, creating a derivative work, disseminating or otherwise quoting the source code, downloading, broadcasting, transmitting, commercially exploiting and / or distributing, as other activities. In any case, subject to legal action, the elements that provide the service.

12. Changes to The Service and Terms and Conditions

We may at any time update the content and / or features of the service to improve the quality of the service. We may also change the terms and conditions at anytime. The latest features will be posted on the service, and if you're keen about it, you can keep track of those changes and new features by checking the relevant notification emails or website.

 13.Rules and Regulations

Please read the following terms and conditions very carefully before using the website. By accessing, browsing, or otherwise using the website, you agree to be bound by all of these Terms and Conditions ("Agreement"). If you do not wish to be bound by the Terms and Conditions, you should not use the website or the services of Aveno System (Pvt) Ltd. The Terms and Conditions also contain policies that are subject to reference and revised from time to time ("Terms and Conditions'').


This Agreement and the Website publish relevant data in Sinhala and English. Will be controlled to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law.

 15.Cancellation of Marriage Advertisements

Cancellation of your subscription:  You can remove the ad by yourself at any time within a short period of time.

 After the cancellation of the advertisement, the user will never be able to reopen an account by the same email or the phone number provided to the account.

When you need to open a new account, you will need to use a new email and phone number.

16. Customer Service

If you encounter any problems with our service, please feel free to contact us during office hours:

Monday -Saturday: 9AM to 5PM

Sunday : Closed

Aveno System (Pvt) Ltd
NO 12½,Stanley Tillakaratne Mawatha,

 Mobile No: 0777 15000 1

Email:  support@aalaya.lk